Welcome to My World

Hi! I’m Haint Blue

Curious about Catfish Springs? Come take a quick tour of the area:


The “Monkey” books are funny mysteries with a confectioner’s sugar dusting of Buddhist teachings on taming the mind, staying calm in the midst of chaos. They are intended as a sort of Valentine for anyone who feels overwhelmed and bogged down by life’s little monkey wrenches.


My name is Haint Blue, and I’m the owner of Blue’s Lotus Lodge, the meditation retreat in Catfish Springs, a spec of a town in North Central Florida. Florida isn’t just the famous mouse and Miami, you know.

Come visit!

Monkey Mind is my first novel, about my opening weekend in September 2014. The focus was “Finding Inner Peace” via meditation sessions, yoga, walks in the woods and delicious meals.  This “soft opening” should have been a breeze, but ended up more like the perfect storm! The guests, the wildlife and the weather conspired against me to make for a tumultuous weekend.

Welcome to my world. I post stuff about what’s going on at the retreat, odd news and facts of Florida, info on yoga and meditation, and some of the recipes I’ve mentioned in my book.

Naughty Britches and Haint

My world is largely ruled by Naughty Britches, my aging Basset hound. Bassets are hilarious but not for everyone. I have a section about Basset hounds, too.

      Monkey Heart followed Monkey Mind. It takes place over Halloween. My guests that weekend were quite memorable–imagine preppers planning for TEOTWAWKI (that’s the end of the world as we know it), drag queens, a weight loss club, three cryptozoologists hunting the Florida Skunk Ape and a group of Wiccans all together!

And I’ll Have a Haint Blue Christmas is coming, I hope this winter, 2021.

Click here for Monkey Mind at Amazon:https://tinyurl.com/4e7wby7x

Available in paperback and Ebook

Click for Monkey Heart: https://tinyurl.com/3srhp3jh

We all have monkey minds from time to time…the key is to :